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Simple Ways To Be Missional
The Pursuit of God - A.W. Tozer
6 Rhythms of Highly Effective Disciplemakers
The Joy of Being a Disciplemaker - Francis Chan
Missional Community Made Simple
Holistic Discipleship - Kevin Peck
Discipleship: Empowered By The Spirit - Jeff Vanderstelt
Released: The Power of Everyday Christians on Mission - Matt Carter
Equip: Practical Ways To Train Missional Leaders
3 Ways To Kill a Missional Culture - Todd Engstrom
Discipleship: Where To Start? Jo Saxton
The Spontaneous Expansion of the Church
The Gospel And...: How the Gospel Relates to Sex, Money, Work & Depression
The Knowledge of the Holy - A.W. Tozer
Words To Winners of Souls - Horatius Bonar
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