DNA of Gospel Movements

A 6-Part Formula For Making A Lasting Impact

Making an impact just got a lot simpler

Let's be real. The culture has changed drastically in the last 12 months.

Traditional formulas for making an impact just aren't working like they used to. And contemporary methods for multiplying disciples and growing the church just don't work like they used to. The reality is that we’re not doing particularly well in the grand scheme of things. Church attendance is still on the decline in the West... and the trend is going downhill.

And most of our traditional methods are geared toward a tiny fraction of people - a subset of people that is growing smaller while competition among churches for those people is growing more intense. Our intentions may be good, but the cultural landscape has drastically changed and our methods for reaching our communities and cities are becoming more and more outdated.

If you are serious about making an impact, you need a different approach.

Verge Network has a proven model to help you get started on a path toward making an impact in this culture... AND multiplying disciples and leaders.

Are You Focusing on The Wrong Targets?

Are you struggling to know where to start or what works for multiplying the gospel? Are you feeling overwhelmed with keeping pace with all the changes in the cultural landscape? Are you struggling to grow in your discipleship and leadership skills? Is there a dream you have for your community or city that has died the death of a thousand cuts?

Either way, there's a lot to learn. And you’re left asking potentially time-consuming questions:

How do I apply this particular strategy for myself, group or church?

Is this a solid idea, and how should I execute it?

Has anyone taken this approach before, and what were the results?

Let’s face it, kingdom living — whether as a leader, pastor, business person, or just living everyday life — is as difficult as it is rewarding.

The demands of everyday life and ministry can leave you completely sapped and unable to see and understand the big picture - where is God moving and what can I learn from what He's been doing?

It's daunting to keep all of these balls in the air while all along still aching for something more in your church, community and city.

But it doesn't have to be this way.

Good News!

All Of These Obstacles Don't Have to Keep You From Making An Impact

We are the Verge Network (good to meet you!), and if you're a pastor, leader, stay-at-home mom, business person, community developer, non-profit leader, or someone who simply wants to make an impact with the gospel, we can help.

As a leader in developing resources for discipleship and mission, we have learned what it takes to equip leaders for mission. We have literally trained and equipped almost 2 million leaders from 145 countries through our conferences, webcasts, events, and media.

Year after year we consistently pull together and highlight the most insightful leaders, movements and resources to help you grow in the gospel and mission to those around you.


Let us ask you this:

Would you be willing to invest a few hours in order to make a difference in your church, community and city?

The time it takes to go though this course might be the most profitable and rewarding investment you can make not just for yourself, but for your church, community, city and world.

We often get the question, "How is this model different than traditional discipleship or church growth models?" When you look at what most people consider a traditional approach to discipleship and mission, it's easy to see that it is becoming less and less effective.

Here's why:

Traditional Methods Are Incomplete (At Best)


Approximately 40% of the population is being reached by 95% of traditional and contemporary
methods and churches...


Approximately 60% of the population is not currently being reached by any existing traditional or
contemporary methods or churches...

...and church attendance is still on the decline...

Looks Like We Need To Rethink Our Approach...

"What I’ve sensed is really that God is doing something and we really are on the verge of seeing something happen... And that’s what I loved about the whole idea behind Verge.”

Francis Chan - Verge

The Definition of Insanity...

...is this: doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results.

In thousands of hours with thousands and thousands of leaders we've discovered that most leaders really have a heart to see the gospel multiply and flourish in mighty ways. But most leaders are using old formulas for new times... they are doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

Most people have never been taught the why, what and how of gospel multiplication - of making a true impact. Most people have never been taught how that can radically change everything about what and why they've been doing what their doing.

We seem to know intuitively that something's wrong - something's not working. Research and stats show us that the trend is going downhill. Our gut tells us that something is wrong.

We want to show you how to reverse the trend.

This is a proven formula for making an impact.

Although this is as ancient as the church itself, it only takes a few moments to realize that the incredible benefits of rediscovering God's dream for the church. That's why we want to share this with you.


"We live in a day where it means almost nothing to be a Christian. So how we answer the question, "What does it mean to be a disciple?" will affect in every way how we answer the question, "What does it mean to make disciples?"

David Platt - Verge

Discover A Proven Formula For Making An Impact

The content of this course if completely digital and can be downloaded all at once.

No lines. No waiting.

You can start today getting equipped to make an impact.


Let's Rediscover God's Dream For The Church

Let us take you through a deeper education that gets you on track with making a lasting impact. An education that will go deeper on reproducing disciples and movements - the strategies, topics, and tactics that don’t show up in public blog posts or free materials.

The DNA of Gospel Movements Course is online training designed to accelerate your knowledge and skills for leadership, discipleship and multiplication. Each Session focuses on one particular element, or ingredient, of a movement of the gospel, and how you can grow in your leadership around that area.

And you get instant access to 25+ seminars that will help you every step of the way.

These seminars from the DNA of Gospel Movements Course takes its inspiration from the gospel movements that were seen in not only the 1st Century, but also modern-day China, India and other places in the world today, where thousands of churches are being planted daily, and millions being transformed by the gospel in sometimes less than a decade.

Leading thinkers and practitioners will be your guide as we begin to uncover the ways in which we can personally, locally and globally engage and re-engage in the mission of God. There will be plenty of resources for you to be renewed in your community’s journey to see the spark of the gospel transform, renew, and multiply.

And get instant access to the video from 25+ seminars on the DNA of Gospel Movements. Watch them directly from your computer, laptop or smartphone!

Get a sneak peek into each module of seminars:

Module 1 | Jesus Is Lord

Alan Hirsch: Intro to the DNA of Movements

Matt Carter: Jesus and Mission

Alan Hirsch: Jesus Is Lord

Francis Chan: Radically Following Jesus

Module 2 | Organic Systems

Alan Hirsch: Organic Systems

David Watson: Counter-Intuitive Movement Principles

Jeff Vanderstelt: Networked Structures

Alan Hirsch: Organic Systems

Neil Cole: Church As A Living System

Module 3 | Apostolic Environment

Alan Hirsch: Apostolic Environment

David Watson: Strategy vs. Structure

Dave Ferguson: Catalytic Environments

Dave Gibbons: Liquid Leadership

Panel: Francis Chan, Dave Gibbons, Neil Cole – Moderated By Ed Stetzer

Module 4 | Disciplemaking

Alan Hirsch: Disciple Making

Neil Cole: Making and Multiplying Disciples

George Patterson: 1st Century Discipleship

David Garrison: Disciple-Making Movements

Ed Stetzer: Missional Disciple-Making Movements

Module 5 | Missional-Incarnational Impulse

Alan Hirsch: Missional-Incarnational Impulse

John Burke: Incarnational Evangelism

Hugh Halter: Incarnational Community

Dave Gibbons: Engaging in 3rd Culture Mission

Jeff Vanderstelt: Gospel Rhythms

Module 6 | Communitas

Communitas, Not Community – Alan Hirsch

Suffering & the Mission of God – Francis Chan